as_reader turns an existing object into a readable stream. Coercion can be used when you want to create a readable stream from a known data source. In general, this is the easiest way to create a readable stream.

As an S3 generic, as_reader holds methods for:

  • base::data.frame: creates a generator function that pushes one row of a data.frame at a time into the stream

  • connection: pulls chunks from a connection line by line, closing when a 0-length string is returned

  • promises::promise: uses the eventual output (onFulfilled value) of the promise as a chunk source. If a rejection occurs, the stream will be errored.

  • default: create an iterator through coro::as_iterator, which is then used to supply chunks to the stream

as_reader(x, queue_strategy)



object to coerce


optionally specify the queue strategy of the stream


# create a readable stream from a numeric vector
reader <- as_reader(1:10)
on(reader, "data", print)