Start the hotwater engine, launching a plumber API that is restarted whenever a file in the plumber API's folder is modified.
Extra directories can be specified to refresh the API when directories other than the plumber folder are modified.
If a plumber endpoint returns an HTML response, when hotwater refreshes the API, {hotwater} will also order a refresh of any webpage that is using the API.
- path
path to plumber API file.
- dirs
(optional) a character vector of extra directories to watch for file changes. Paths are resolved from the current working directory, not the directory of the plumber API file.
- port
port to launch API on.
If NULL, defaults to the
option. If the plumber option is undefined, the fallback value ofhttpuv::randomPort()
is used.- host
host to launch API on.
If NULL, defaults to the
option. If the plumber option is undefined, the fallback value of "" is used.- ignore
vector of file globs to ignore.
If NULL, defaults to
c("*.sqlite", "*.git")
To refresh the browser, a postserialize plumber::pr_hook is used to inject a websocket into the HTML client that listens for the plumber server refresh.
See also
plumber::options_plumber, plumber::get_option_or_env, plumber::serializer_html
if (FALSE) { # interactive()
# start a hotwater session on port 9999
path = system.file("examples", "plumber.R", package = "hotwater"),
port = 9999L